PATENT SEARCHING is experiencing rapid change as a result of the information revolution and advanced commercial software. Use of comprehensive search results enables informed decision making for world class product/R&D and business development, adds value to patent drafting and early invention disclosure and can have multiple and far reaching commercial benefits.

PATNAVIP provides searching, reporting and summary for all patent related requirements incl novelty, freedom to operate, landscaping, opposition/invalidity and can provide reports to your special format as preferred. Subject matter: multi-discipline engineering, physics, polymers, materials, textiles, physiological sciences, medical devices, acoustics and optics.

Commercial software is always used with additional confirmation of latest status from Espacenet/USPTO and other foreign office database. Literature searches are based on open access web sources. Chartered patent attorney legal opinion and report conclusions can be provided as required.

The benefits of quality searching and reporting are:

  • a timely summarised search report to share with the client/inventor, well informed invention discosures and patent drafting resulting in cost efficiencies, robust patent claim grant success and impressed clients.

  • analysis and “landscaping” of a technology area enabling informed decisions in business and an essential input for R&D teams to achieve rapid state of the art learning, accelerated innovation and competitive understanding.

  • more accurate guidance on whether new products,methods or processes may have “freedom to operate” i.e avoid infringing others patents.

  • comprehensive opposition suport to applications or patents of competitors.

IP PROCESSES, MANAGEMENT AND TRAINING need not be complex or costly and PATNAVIP are happy to provide guidance on how to adopt simple practices and checks to promote good IP adoption within your organisation.

IP STRATEGY is an effective and essential tool when used for a new business objective or buisness strategy as it provides measurable progress of the same.

ACCELERATED INNOVATION is achieved with the use of landscape searching and integration to innovation methods. We have experience of using landscapes to accelerate innovation and also of the costs that can be associated with R&D teams or individuals neglecting to use patent research.

Top image: Route and golden Rainbow - copyright: © James D. Lewis AZ. 2010. Haleakala, Island of Maui.